Tuesday, July 25, 2006

7/23 - A lovely afternoon @ Sharpe Hill Vineyards

After being bummed out that my weekend looked like a total wash out, I motivated myself out of the house to go check out a symposium luncheon at UConn in Storrs.

Since I was already half way to Sharpe Hill in Pomfret right off Rte 44, I decided I should go get my book stamped. I also hoped the rain would hold off.

By the time I got out to Pomfret, I had one of those lovely unplanned Sunday afternoon drives. I do have to say, I'm very blessed to live in such a pretty state. I now know why my old college friend loved motorcycling through the northeast hills. The roads are just made for a drive.

I got to Pomfret and it was a bit busy. One of the things I like about Sharpe Hill is that they have a large lovely deck with large lovely iron tables and chairs. I did my tasting, and although I would have loved to take home almost every bottle, I decided to get my old friend, Ballet of Angels. Ballet and I retreated to the deck where I hung out reading, sipping a light tinkly white and watching the now clear blue sky with puffy clouds skid across on a cool wind. What a lovely afternoon it had turned out to be.

After retreating from the deck, I meandered my way to the Vanilla Bean cafe. Had their chili (not too shabby) and their chicken salad sandwich (to die for). I finished it off with their ginger lemonade and seven layer bar. Read some more on their deck.

The drive home was in the last hour when you have that Maxfield Parrish light. The most beautiful light ever. Love it!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

7/9 - CT Valley/Jerram/Haight Vineyards

I'm planning an ambitious afternoon of wine trail blazing. It's even more ambitious because I'm inviting my mother to come with me.

The vineyards on today's list: Land of Nod (East Canaan), CT Valley Winery (New Hartford) and Jerram Vineyard (New Hartford).

If we're really lucky...we might hit up Hopkins or Haight.

My mother and father are out practicing their golf swing this morning. My mother says she's coming...but she's not only known for her love of wine, but having an OCD about staying home and cleaning.

Let's see if we can budge Mom out of her routine. It will be fun to see her giggling the afternoon away...cause she's the ultimate lightweight. One glass of wine and she's a goner!